Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Use Anchor Text to SEO

Anchor Text [is] text [of] [at] page;yard website which is if clicked will bring the us to other;dissimilar place, location can be certain [at] same page;yard, page;yard can be other;dissimilar [at] same website, or page;yard [in] website [of] other;dissimilar. Generally anchor text in the form of blue chromatic article and have under line. If us of movement of the mouse melewati text, hence form the cursor will change. If [in] click will bring the us to other;dissimilar location. sophisticatedly [is] technological nya [of] development website, blue colour text and have under line [to] have [do] not represent the directive again caused by technique which can control its appearance.

In technique of SEO of keyword use as anchor of law text [is] obliged to its. important matter from anchor text [is] penggunaanya enable we get two benefit at one blow from keyword which we select;choose. When crawler of searcher machine read the the anchor text [in] page;yard website, he/she will detect that the text contain the link. Link Tesebut give the indication to searcher machine [of] concerning page;yard content which [is] [is] gone to and relevansinya with the page;yard [of] where the anchor text reside in. Become if we use the keyword [of] [at] anchor text, we will get two benefit of ranking keyword for the page;yard of the place anchor text reside in, and ranking keyword for the page;yard of its target.

Of course there [is] the exlusion of the concept. In SEO always there [is] exemption. use Keyword in abundant anchor text exactly can cause the searcher machine less our ranking website, or even [is] at all black out our website from seeking result as a whole. abundant Optimasi if us repeatedly menggukan anchor text by keyword [is] same, without there [is] variation [of].

Technique which [is] often weared [by] [is] if we chosen the keyword consisted of [by] two word, hence we use each word in different anchor text [by] xself, and [done/conducted] [by] by repeatedly, with an eye to [so that/ to be] searcher machine give the high ranking for the keyword of the. With the visitor eye, usually this become seen dissonant. Though have time to there [is] a lot of successful story by using teknikSEO [of] like this, to in this time better be avoided, because algorithm of searcher machine have owned the ability to detect the matter [of] like thismost precise practice [is] by placing anchor text using keyword, in paragraph owning relevant content. In this case, assess the anchor text [of] [is] of equal important with the text [of] [at] paragraph [of] around [his/its]. Paying attention to also that page;yard or website which [is] [is] gone to also have to be relevant, as possible keyword utilized [at] anchor text implied in the <> target page;yard. Thereby as a whole third the component can [is] supporting each other. Technical though SEO [of] like this trusted to represent the most precise approach, its exception being equal, abundant use very possibly will become boomerang.

Follow the example of the this technique SEO implementation earn hard [at] blog. Generally [at] article presented [in] page;yard blog there will be pregnant anchor text [of] keyword, going to other;dissimilar page;yard [is] which relevant its contents and its title contain the keyword. Penenpatannya earn in the form of reference kontekstual in sentence, and also with the certain lists, for example article list most popular, or enlist the article which is at most commented the. Content from the lists own the link to other;dissimilar page;yard [is] which relevant its contents. Something else which can be exploited [by] [is] by compiling sitemap. Sitemap generally represent the list of page;yard title representing achor text, juka [in] click will bring to halam which its title [is] enlisted there. From side SEO, disitulah of situation of benefit sitemap.

Its conclusion though keyword and anchor text look like something that [is] at all differ, [at] kenyataanya [of] both owning very hand in glove [relation/link], especially if seen from sinergi [of] both in jacking up our ranking website.

Sunday, October 19, 2008


Anywhere to transact, we require a appliance is agreed on with all party. If our real world recognize the money, credit card or card charge, in World Online recognize the Paypal as a means of most popular transaction. Its usefulness much the same to with the money, that is to conduct the transaction. To open an account the Paypal is not collected by a expense and no administration expense for. But paypal cannot be selfsupporting, it mean to can draw the paypal to appliance of real world transaction, needed by appliance of other. Credit card represent the transaction appliance to legalize the paypal in drawing or liquefied or used as medium of exchange online. It is true there are some company enabling to conduct the transaction by paypal is unverified. If you not yet owned the credit card, you can use the credit card of virtual for the verified of your paypal. VCC can easy to find in internet specially in forum studying online earning. Become not matter difficult to this.

How to get the paypal? You enough just just registering, filling your personal data and in a crack you have owned account in paypal. After owning account, you omit to fill its account. Then my the the account? This a lot of programs paying to use the paypal, even sales even also now enough use just paypal. Program any kind of to fill the paypal, you could probably read in ISNANI blog.

 A lot of street go to the Roma, a lot of way of yielding money in internet, a lot of way of also liquefy your production in internet. Enough learn, reading and applied direct.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

10 Myth of Top Ten Ranking [in] Google & Yahoo

Myth in around SEO from year to year mad progressively. There is relying on reality in field, there is also relying on estimate, because of very difficult to proving certain action SEO like whether which can make the search engine react . Take the example, when we conduc] a change at one page;yard site, later in a few day you'd find the position rangking for the keyword of certain in Google experienced of the change. You assume that change rangking in Google causing by existence of mentioned page change. In fact the reason of the change is not 100% like that. There is a lot of reason why your rangking change, in most cases in fact this change not go together you what have conduct.

Uniting between cause and effect of is most bromide often conducted by all new perpetrator SEO. If matter like this only applied and its effect at its own work make not much difference, however information not based on this is later gone the round of among new comer ( newbies) through forum and blog, later peep out the new myth.

In the following is 10 related matter with the myth of organic SEO

1. Myth 1: You have to submit URL to search engine. This matter might possibly can assist sometime, but this trick have too worn out and is not effective again, 5 or 6 last year do this matter still be done ordinary.

2. Myth 2: You need a Google Sitemap. If a website have been develop truly or crawler friendly, Google Sitemap very not requiring again. Will be more be good if exploiting other Webmaster Centre Tool own the Google, by owning Google sitemap will not pull up to rangking.

3. Myth 3: You need for the a more regular of to update the website. Update the routine website done it’s true can improve the search engine crawl rate, but will not improve / repairing rangking. If it’is true website needn't to always in fox, don't often fox just because according to you of search engine will be more take a fancy it. in reality of Search engine not yet of course take a fancy to it, a lot of website by rangking is high in Google have been long enough not altered

4. Myth 4: PPC will assist or degrade the rangk. Very ridiculous know the many people which do not want to use the Google Adwords for fear of will degrade the position of rangking organic in Google, there is also which assure if tide PPC can boost up the rangking. All there is no its relation/link between PPC by organic is rangking.

5. Myth 5: Website you'd tire by Google otherwise obey the Google guidline. All that contained in Google guideline not implying secret, altogether public information. If will please read, but non meaning by reading later make the direct us become a SEO enginer. Google Guideline provide the good suggestion.

6. Myth 6: Website you'd tire of if buying link. This myth not own the reality base, like Google like to intimidate the people of concerning this matter. They do not wish to involve the link pay for chosening a page if they know it, but its a more regular is they cannot know this matter. Whenever this matter is known by the them, they will not be paid attention to. Very not possible for them conduct the tire of entirety website just because buy the link from site of other.

7. Myth 7: H1 ( or other header tag) determining high rangking. Very evidence minim of keyword placed in H tag will influence the rangking, but this myth become to expand. Tes which I conduct by hit this matter likely not have an effect on, it is true rather difficult to ascertain. Use the this H tag if as according to your desibn or cms. But hang in doubt what making difference or not.

8. Myth 8: Words in meta keyword tag have to be propagated in page. I first conduct the words spreading in page. In fact Meta keyword tag is design for the keyword of non to be placed in page or page. Become non on the contrary. Because google will not pay attention to this tag and only used for the words of just public is not in Yahoo, become its influence will very infinitesimal.

9. Myth 9: SEO Copy have to 250 word. In fact this enough draw, because rule of writing SEO copy as long as 250 word is first defined in year-end 90. In fact this number only most amount snugly to write down the word in page as marketing copy. short or Long in fact not influence, all important is using as good as possible words to submit your message.

10. Myth 10: You need to optimize of long tail. This is not at all need. With its condition in this time, long-tail keyword phrase very not competitif, in meaning not many page using that words, and not many one conduct seeking in search engine for the words of that. Because that's, rangking for the long-tail of keywords very easy, just figuring in in blog post or article , hence you'd earn the rangk for that. But not too optimize.

Before you propagate this myth or info SEO of other which is according to real correct you, try to conduct the previous tes in a lot of site. Possibly will there are some a success, but remember always that in fact will not always succeed, or there is other factor influencing.

Monday, October 13, 2008


Keyword or in terminology SEO more knowledgeable as keyword [of] constitute an inseparable part of SEO itself. No chance where people discuse to hit the SEO without mentioning word which is one this. its[his] Popular Saking, start in this time I will use the term keyword. How must keyword in technique SEO.

Simply keyword function to register and compile the page;yard website in database of searcher machine for seeking. Searcher machine of menyimpan data [of] concerning certain page;yard in database [of] pursuant to keyword. At the (time) of somebody [do/conduct] the seeking, searcher machine use the keyword to determine whether/what the page;yard website require to be presented [by] as one of page;yard searched. Though pass by quickly heard like modestly, with billion page;yard website from whole world, required [by] a very sophisticated system to enable result of seeking given only in just just second quantification.

[Is] required [by] knowledge and experience which mumpuni to can to chosen the keyword which matching with a[n page;yard website so that can obtain;get the high ranking [at] searcher machine, and get the expected visitor. commercial organizer Website-Website have big scale [to] [of] mengucurkan fund in gross to pay [for] the consultant just to get the keyword which popular tepat.Menggunakan keyword effectively make the easier website found by potential visitor, displace buried [in] backyard enlist result of seeking, so far so that people do not want to strain after to open the page;yard for the shake of page;yard farther.

There are some system to assist we find the appropriate keyword, available by online. The Penggunaansistem truly can assist the us in [doing/conducting] to research into to look for the correct keyword. Comprehending keyword benefit, where can find [it], how to chosen [it], and use [it] correctly [at] our page;yard website will determine its[his] success [do] not a website. Two sides which require to be paid attention to in chosening keyword [is]

  • Keyword have to mirror the our page;yard website content as a whole
  • The word [is] word to be written down [by] a potential visitor candidate at searcher machine

If requiring information or product which [is] [is] consisted in [at] page;yard website. The word later;then will be non-stoped [by] us wear in course of SEO. Correct Location from keyword selected [at] our page;yard website will determine whether/what the page;yard website will be presented [at] 20 place for or buried [in] backyard, if somebody conduct the seeking to the keyword at searcher machine. Research into to show very rare visitor opening more than second page;yard result of seeking.

Conceive if you look for the woman officer to be placed in accountancy shares of your company, database of job searcher. You start to look for with the gender “ woman”, just for example of database show[of] result of 400 people from 1000 one who there is in database. Later;Then you narrow to become the “ woman of grad S1?, seeking will progressively a few/little, possible become just 100. More narrowed again become the “ woman of grad of S1 accountancy”, decreasing again become to omit just 20. That way further, progressively narrow the seeking focus progressively a few/little result presented [by] but relevant progressively with requirement.

From adversative side perhaps you can conceive that chosening correct keyword focus give you the bigger opportunity to get the better ranking because seeking result yielded slimmer. Others, bigger possibility of incoming visitor will find your website is relevant with their requirement.

Choosening Correct Keyword

Cannot be denied the keyword is]efficacy bollard ( or failure) SEO and also marketing online as a whole. Keyword own the important role to determine where our website of tertangking by searcher machine, what in the end determine whether/what visitor candidate find our website or [do] not. In consequence when determining keyword to become the goals SEO, of vital importance to ensure that we chosen the correct keyword. Question of[is level of [is] how us tau [of] whether/what one certain keyword precisely whereas imprecise other keyword for the website of our.

Correct election Keyword for the website of our will determine whether/what our website will sink among millions of website of other;dissimilar, or become the first choice to be visited by when somebody conduct the seeking of [through/ passing] searcher machine. Marginally there [is] two type keyword. First [is] keyword merk, that is keyword which directly correlate or contain the trade mark in it. A lot of visitor website [do/conduct] the seeking by using trade mark, especially for the produk-porduk of which its name have very recognized [by] [is] people, for example than [doing/conducting] seeking by “ bali [is] hotel” possible direct to one would [do/conduct] the seeking by “ sheraton [is] bali”. If you own the product by the name of famous, or you sell the product [of] this type of [through/ passing] your website, hence important keyword merk to you to pay attention to.

Secondary type Keyword [is] keyword generik, what widely can be interpreted [by] as same keyword once [there] no its [relation/link] by the name of certain trade name or company [is] which you market. If you manage the cheap hotel [of] jasmine class in Kuta by the name of Combodia Hotel for example, possible you cannot hope to get the visitor of and surely incoming buyer seeking by the name of hotel mentioned as keyword. In this case, keyword generik more sharing, for example bali budget of hotel or hotel of in kuta.

But that way, though target for the keyword of pregnant corporate name or trademark will not bring a lot of visitor, we constantly require to target the coresponding keyword or contain the corporate name, trade mark, area of[is effort, product category, etcetera. If us [do] not own [it], possible others will take the benefit. For example if “ Combodia Hotel” taken a fancy to guests, [through/ passing] information from mouth to mouth or more modern like forum online, its name will progressively recognized. A travel agent possible target one page;yard website for the keyword of “ Combodia Hotel”, and people who know and later;then then seeking by keyword the will order the hotel through/ passing the travel agent, so that you is as hotel organizer have to pay for commission.

When you start the process of election keyword, better start by discuss to collect the candidate keyword which deal with bdiang of effort or your product type. Each effort or product own the certain vocabulary, and this your need dig. as buyer. Try for think if i will sell this product, what I will mention”, but “ if I wish to buy the product which I sell, what I will mention”. Start with the keyword owning wide range, though probably because too wide [do] not too much conduciving to visitor. Later;Then [is] newly narrowed to become the more specific keyword, but conduciving to visitor of interest owner buy bigger.

For example you sell the product in the form of low milk [of] fat majored to those who wish to lose weight the body. Tell the you start with “ milk”. This [is] relevant with the product which you sell, but its coverage [is] too wide possible cause the incoming visitor amount by [doing/conducting] seeking for the keyword of the, not yet of course buy. Possible in the reality they need the baby milk, milk have high calcium [to] for the adult of, milk for the mother of to suckle, until milk for the dog of peliharaan. Start by narrowing “ milk to [be] adult” whether/what this have enough narrow, possible not yet because type there (be) still be other;dissimilar. Possible people look for the milk for the man of adult which wish to keep in good health the bone, adult woman which [is] suckling, adult woman which wish to lose weight the body, etc. Until then you find the “ diet milk” as correct keyword. All that then seeking with the the keyword, interested with the product type which you sell.

Adsense Although A Few

Adsense although a few/little difficult to yield the dollar, specially for the us of which english language by the skin of one's teeth, remain to represent the business promising and have prospect. Have almost one year I try to wash raw-gold the dollar adsense, but its result newly get $ 78 ( checking result today). Differ from the paid review which in a month I can get to minimize $ 50. Why this matter can be happened? because my Ianguage inggris in confusion is except that told by molten.

Latterly I try to look for the tips and trik: How to yield the adsense swiftly and answer which I get highly varied. Besides content which (it) is true represent the primary factor from efficacy dredge up the dollar adsense, amount from to the number of blog or website attached [by] the adsense also will influence the our dollar production. Yes, some master mention to make the blog as much as possible, [is] never mind filled by content become steel or rewrite and the use adsense blog-blog. There [is] also telling, needn't a lot of making blog, wait oppositely;also ga keurus. Better make just some, but maximize the keyword and content [of] exist in the blog. If according to my logic, [is] second [is] way of the there [is] its correctness and there [is] also its difficulty. Let us together study the the problem.

Tips Adsense I

Make the Blog as much and fill by content [is] inggris [of] any. Tips or way of like this sensible (it) is true to get the possibility click the our advertisement adsense. But important to remember also that our advertisement [in] click [of] if there [is] which know the our existence blog [is] the. If our blog [is] the [is] unknown to search engine or own the small popularitas, perhaps click the advertisement also its possibility will be infinitesimal. Later;Then other difficulty [is] in updating content, more and more blog which we own, perhaps will be busy progressively for us in managing [it].

Tips Adsense II

Maximizing existing Blog now. Tips [of] like this a lot of [in] laying open by our master like om cosa or mas medhi. Very sensible once according to I, become to major first kontentnya, look for the visitor remain to and maximize [in] its SEO. Make the content owning high high paying, for example one click = $ 5 : D . By tips this, you [is] not disturbed with filling content which is a lot of [in] some blog, and surely by content [is] fraud. Although a few/little blog, but its result will [is] of equal if each;every click, its payment [is] high. But unhappily the way of like this nor easy to. Besides us of Ianguage paintbrush have to inggris, chosening correct keyword and high paying, we also have to master the Technique SEO so that our blog [is] popular. Perhaps the way of fastening visitor also very needed.